Friday 26 September 2014

Added: Thanksgivukkah Dreidel on Building 10 (from 2013.12.03)

To celebrate the confluence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah, which occurs only once roughly every 70,000 years, hackers decorated Building 10 with a banner "Happy Thanksgivukkah!" and a decorated dreidel.

Rather than the typical American lettering -- ? (Nun) (Gimel) ? (Hei) ? (Shin), an abbreviation of "A great miracle happened there" -- the dreidel was lettered in the Israeli fashion -- ? (Nun) ? (Gimel) ? (Hei) ? (Pei), an abbreviation of "A great miracle happened here," perhaps also a nod to the MIT Architecht I.M. Pei.

View the original article here

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